Another thing about herpes that you might be interested in knowing is that the disease is divided into two categories. These include HSV1 and HSV2.
How The Virus Affects Your Body?
Once they infect the membrane, they lie dormant in the nervous system only to be triggered due to the presence of physical or emotional stimuli.
When this happens, it replicates and travels through nerve pathways to the surface of your skin. In some cases this leads to an outbreak and other situations, it results in viral shedding.
HSV-1 and HSV-2
HSV- 1 refers to oral herpes. This virus is transmitted due to oral secretions and skin sores. It can spread through oral contact and even eating utensils.
HSV-2 on the other hand, refers to genital herpes, which is spread through sexual contact. One similarity between the two viruses is that the person does not need to have sores in order to spread the disease.
How Are These Two Different From One Another?
One of the major differences between the two viruses is in the way they both establish latency in your body. HSV-1 stays dormant in the base of your neck until viral shedding occurs in on your mouth or face.
In contrast, HSV-2 stays latent in the nerves present at the base of your spine. During the outbreak, it develops around genitals.
However, one thing that you might find surprising is that both of these viruses can establish latency in other parts of the body as well. Of course, the stigma attached to both of them is quite different.
Usually people treat oral herpes as a mild infection. What they don’t realize is that this disease is riskier than genital herpes. In case, this virus occurs in your eye, it can lead to blindness. Furthermore, it can travel to the brain and lead to herpes encephalitis which can be fatal.
The thing about herpes is that you can use medication in order to curb the symptoms but they wouldn’t cure the disease. This is why it’s better that you seek a natural cure for herpes.
Get in touch with us. We offer natural supplements and solutions for herpes and other viruses. Feel free to contact us to place an order today.